Quai des Orfevres - Criterion Collection
Crime, Drama
In Sammlung
106 Min.
IMDB 7.2

Bernard Blier
Louis Jouvet
Simone Renant
Daniel Auteuil Léo Vrinks
Gérard Depardieu Denis Klein
André Dussollier Robert Mancini
Roschdy Zem Hugo Silien
Valeria Golino Camille Vrinks
Daniel Duval Eddy Valence
Francis Renaud Titi Brasseur
Catherine Marchal Ève Verhagen
Guy Lecluyse Groluc
Alain Figlarz Francis Horn

Regisseur Henri-Georges Clouzot
Olivier Marchal
Produzent Franck Chorot
Autor Dominique Loiseau
Frank Mancuso

Though dressed in the guise of a murder mystery, Quai des Orfèvres is a rich, engrossing character study in which murder plays a secondary role. Six years before the triumph of The Wages of Fear, director Henri-Georges Clouzot couldn't find a copy of his source novel (Légitime Defense, by Stanislas-André Steeman), so he crafted this stylish police procedural from spotty memory, infuriating the author while freeing himself to explore the depths of his all-too-human characters. Using atmospheric Parisian locations and shadowy compositions that rival anything in American film noir, Clouzot gives plausible alibis to the prime suspects--a dancehall chanteuse, her suspicious husband, and a fashionable lesbian photographer--while a seasoned detective (played to perfection by Louis Jouvet) efficiently sorts through the clues. Anyone expecting thrills will be disappointed: Clouzot's fascination with human behavior prevails, and this subtle mix of motives and secrets is delicately balanced with underworld cynicism and a compassionate understanding of the human heart. --Jeff Shannon

Details der Edition
Audience Rating NR (Not Rated)
Land France
Sprache French
Barcode 037429176924
Region 2
Erscheinungsdatum 27.05.2003
Bildformat 1.33:1
Untertitel English
Tonspuren French Dolby Digital 2.0 Mono
Anzahl Disks/Bänder 1
Persönliche Details
Gesehen Ja
Standort Kellerteakregal 1. Boden
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